Interview with Esther Nahm

“Shake that bye bye flab”

Esther Nahm, a New World fellow Sep 2015—May 2017
“Don’t let the challenges you face make you lose your passion for what you’re doing. Don’t lose your love. You’re doing it because you love it and that’s the most important thing. If you don’t lose that, you’ll always have a measure of fulfillment; everything else is just real estate.”

About Michael Tree

From The American Viola Society

I studied with Michael Tree at Curtis in the early eighties and I remember taking a taxi with him in New York City once.  He strode out into the middle of Madison Avenue in a swirl of oncoming traffic and flagged down a cab. The car stopped immediately and Tree flashed an impish grin.  “I think I got his attention!” he said.  

Wellness Profile

Interview about wellness & habits

Q: What inspires you to do what you do?
A: I’m constantly inspired by my students and the gratification of seeing them improve on the viola and grow as musicians.  I look for at least one moment of “spark” or epiphany in each lesson.  When I see it, even if it’s a very small spark, I’m inspired to go on. I’m also continually inspired by my own great teachers and many of the outstanding musicians I’ve encountered in my career of almost four decades.